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Automotive industry applications

Time:2014-02-20This siteViews:3094

The car in the increasing complexity increases the possibility of defects generated in the production of automobile manufacturers, but is difficult to bear these defects in the fierce competition in the market. In order to meet customer requirements of quality, manufacturers and their suppliers continue to depend on the product diversification and efficient method for phase to prevent defects. But this method is the machine vision.

1, MICROSCAN machine vision system

MICROSCAN has the world's most powerful one of the machine vision system technology patent portfolio, including hardware design, software algorithm and machine vision lighting. Our Visionscape ® machine vision hardware and software brand is a pioneer in the industry, help the global manufacturers to improve the automation technology inspection, measurement and testing. The vision system has the following characteristics:

Image processing, high speed, high resolution

All the functions, can provide the powerful Visionscape software

? use standard network component system

? can support up to 8 Visionscape GigE camera

? GigE camera can provide a variety of configuration

From the economic type single visual intelligent camera system to a eight camera application advanced, MICROSCAN Visionscape GigE solutions cover the implementation of machine vision system is complete and successful all the necessary components. The PC Gigabit Ethernet uses standard network components such as cable, switch on, and the interface card. Visionscape ® GigE supports a set of MICROSCAN machine vision Gigabit Ethernet camera camera, combined with the Visionscape ® software, can quickly deploy any machine vision scale solution.

2, in the automotive industry application case

For example, one case, bearing retainer of engine cylinder and pressure into the Bush, using the selective assembly method, both are grouped according to the measured results (generally 3~5 group), and one one corresponding to the pressure. In order to improve production efficiency and eliminate the wrong installation, in the finished cylinder hit by the two-dimensional code, including the 1~5 bearing file (if four cylinder engine) group information. When the workpiece on the engine assembly line to a station, the reading head is set automatically read codes, station outside of a bearing slot 3~5 row containing different groups according to the group number, is provided with a lamp. According to the 1~5 assembling sequence, the workers according to the indicator, remove the corresponding bearing shells into the bearing retainer.

The assembly using the two-dimensional code

Case two, increase operating reliability, in order to prevent mass production operating conditions (such as: engineering of automobile engine assembly process) such as wrong installation / missing parts, not in place and other problems in installation, must improve the operation reliability. Various based on machine vision identification function on the basis of the automatic identification system, quite effective to improve the operation reliability. The modern automobile manufacturing industry, especially the automobile enterprises, the direction of its development is the use of multiple varieties, production mode mixed flexible, and technique of workpiece recognition is an important link to realize this kind of mode of production, the interview for example. In an automatic line production at the same time belongs to the 2 engines of 4 different camshaft, the logo made in second gear shaft collar work specified, mark is 1~4 band prior processing between the shafts, camshafts are respectively represent 4 types, figure 2 is one of the 2. In the workpiece into a process (such as the camshaft before final detection), photoelectric vision sensor line set will by reading the above signs, correctly identify the workpiece (Figure 2), and then give out the corresponding control signals, in the implementation of various working procedures. For example, as in Figure 2 cam shaft in the first two position into the final inspection station, comprehensive measuring machine will according to the received instruction, call a different program, the correct detection of the workpiece.

To detect two different cam shaft

The composition and working principle, system 3

The system uses a MICROSCAN Gige camera software system in +Visionscape company.

The main works are as follows:

When the components arrived at the designated location, place the sensor to the workpiece, then Gige camera image acquisition, the collected images by transmitting high speed Gigabit Ethernet network to the computer, the Visionscape software system for the corresponding data processing.

In the case of a main use of two-dimensional code Visioncape decoding software function, for reading two-dimensional code on the workpiece directly labeled. The content and the database system of two-dimensional code reading out the contents of the match, to find the corresponding, warning signal operation.

The second case detection function using Visionscape, after the workpiece at a predetermined position, according to the camera images collected, location and size of two positioning holes of the workpiece as a judge, identify the corresponding sign.

The characteristics of the system design: the system uses a MICROSCAN embedded image processor, the integrated module, easily according to the site environment and the requirements of customers to design the system configuration and appearance. With a powerful, easy to develop Visionscape software, allowing users to operate more flexible.

4 Conclusion

The system has been successfully applied in many international and domestic automobile production line, the effect is very good not only meet the current needs of users, but also set aside a lot of features and upgrade space for the user, these functions will play a bigger role in the detection task, in the future, in order to solve more problems for users, saves a lot of upgrading cost. What is more important is that the system can control user product quality strictly, reduce the labor cost a lot. With the improvement of the industrial automation, artificial cost growth, application prospect of the system will be more broad.




